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NWSCT Membership Renewal Notice

It's that time of year again! After taking the summer months off the NWSCT is back to business. Which also means that it's time to renew your membership. Members receive discounted meeting rates, have access to hard copies of presentations and help support a key trade organization for the coatings industry. Annual dues are $25 for a full membership or $15 for retired, educator or student membership. Our Corporate Membership has been modified this year and is tiered as follows based on the number of joining members:

1-9 members @ $100
10-19 members @ $200
20-29 members @ $400
Please request rate for 30+ members

Please renew your dues by November 15th, 2014. Note: The NWSCT is a stand-alone organization, separate from the American Coatings Association, and a membership with the ACA does not count as membership in the NWSCT. If you have already paid your dues, we thank you for your continued support of the NWSCT.

Renewal is easy, simply fill out the form (Click Here) and mail it along with a check to Sarah Oebser at the address found on the bottom of the form


Complete the electronic form and pay via PayPal from the NWSCT website and email your completed form to sarah.oebser@hbfuller.com.
Click the link below to be directed to the NWSCT website:
NWSCT Membership

If you have already renewed your membership, please disregard this email and we thank you for your continued support with the NWSCT.

Our monthly meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month (October-April) with a start time of 11:30 am. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend.
The meeting schedule for the calendar year is as follows:

Tuesday, November 11th: Monthly Meeting at HB Fuller. Elementis Presents
Tuesday, December 9th: Monthly Meeting at Multi-Clean. Buhler Presents
Tuesday, January 13th: Monthly Meeting at Tennant. Shepherd Color Presents
Tuesday, February 10th: Monthly Meeting at Anderson Window (tent. Location)
Tuesday, March 10th: Monthly Meeting at BASF. Speaker TBA.
Tuesday, April 14th: Annual Education Symposium at Valspar.
We will also host a Winter Outing and Texas Hold Em Tournament in early '15.