NWSCT Spring Outing
Tuesday, May 12th
6:00 – 8:00 PM
Topgolf Minneapolis

The NWSCT Spring Outing this year will be at Topgolf in Brooklyn Center. This event will be hosted from 6:00 – 8:00 pm and includes food and golf games in climate controlled hitting bays. The cost of this event is $85 per person and proceeds from the event will go to the NWSCT Individual Scholarship program. Topgolf is typically very busy and they have a large parking area. Therefore, please plan and allow extra time to arrive and to locate a parking spot as well as be in the Topgolf facility near 5:30-5:45pm so that games can begin on time. Golf clubs are provided in each of the bays to use, free of charge, but you are certainly welcome to bring your own if you wish.
Topgolf is located at 6420 North Camden Avenue; Brooklyn Center, MN 55430
To Register for the Spring Outing please visit the following link:
Registration for Spring Outing
For questions about the event please contact Chuck Gardner at:
We are now accepting Individual Scholarship applications, the deadline to submit is May 1st.
Details available at:
We hope to see you at Topgolf on May 12th!
Scholarship Program
We have launched a Scholarship program that will award individual scholarships to an active member of the NWSCT in good standing OR the son, daughter OR grandchild of an active member of the NWSCT in good standing. Applications are available at monthly meetings and on our website (Scholarship Program page). The deadline to register is May 1st. |